We met Beth Schellenberg during her stay at Ace Art's Cartae Open School residency which Schellenberg completed along with four other resident creatives earlier this summer. A lot of what Schellenberg is interested in the work she investigates into centers on how we identify ourselves in digital spaces and how that changes our perception of ourselves in tangible reality.
Schellenberg speaks further on her research and her experience in the residency:
I'm exploring this liminal space between our virtual realities versus our physical realities. That place exists on our phones or on our computers or with our webcams before we actually post it; this in-between phase where we are trying to find the right version of ourselves to put out there. And I’m really curious about that—the moment when that happens and I try to depict that.
I’ve never had a space like this before. It’s definitely been a treat getting to have the space to work in alongside my amazing studio mates. Everyone has a hectic schedule so I’m typically here by myself but when I do get one of them here it’s nice. We try to give each other feedback and suggestions on our individual work.