Public Parking
A journal for storytelling, arguments, and discovery through tangential conversations.
Sky Calandar: A Conversation with Qidong Bai




When it comes to creating work, multidisciplinary artist Qidong Bai operates with an experimental approach through a variety of mediums to bring her ideas and personal expressions forward. She recently completed a body of work for a group show that focused around her conscious awareness of minor shifts in a given environment as time transitions. We met up with Bai to learn more about her work and processes she takes in making work.  


:qidong bai 




"I’ve been told my work can come off as being a bit vague at times and I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or not but I don’t mind it being that way actually. I think “vague” for me is a good thing. It gives people space to bring themselves in it. There are no limitations to the work. It gives people this freedom to think and look at the piece however they want."



Public Parking: Speak a bit about what you were interested in when you were going into your current body of work.

Qidong Bai: For this project I started to think about how modern production, industrialization, and city planning related to my city back in China. I came to Canada when I was around 18 and that place has obviously changed incredibly ever since. I can remember when my dad will drive me to school and I’ll see all these trees and plants along the way. People there called the city Green City but know there are a number of factories running there and a lot of city planning happening which have affected the air quality there so I got some friends and family back home to record the air condition every day from the same spot for a whole month. The work I ended up with is just a recording of the weather condition for the entire month of February this year. There are two days missing because they forgot to record it.